Management of hazardous waste
disposal in Italy
As certified professionals, we at Osint Centre offer our business clientele or any other type of entity a high quality service for the management of hazardous waste. We combat organized crime entities that could damage the production process in various industries.

Trained and qualified
Our business personnel are fully trained to offer a specialised legal aid not only for investigators, who meet the requirements for investigations into waste materials, but also when it comes to claims by potential third parties or dependents when it comes to a private business.

Legal protection
The procedures are managed and controlled by staff specialised in the legal protection of companies and their management. Our staff’s legal expertise enables them to relieve the client of the criminal responsibilities related to the management and disposal of hazardous waste. These hazardous waste management procedures also focus on strict controls for all relevant components, both internal and external to the company.
Key points of our policy
The activities we perform at Osint Centre are backed by our specific Prefecture License, which is aimed at the prevention of risky situations. The license also addresses lifting and limiting the penal and civil responsibilities of the client that may result from a court sentence. Our waste management policy is based on the following key points:
- Specific audits for hazardous waste management
- Planning and actual development of hazardous waste management procedures aimed at protecting the company and its management
- Implementation of intelligence operations designed to map and verify external partner companies involved in the waste treatment and disposal chain

For a waste management consultation, please make an
appointment by calling +39 055 5357441